Inscriptions, letters, numbers Products: 124
Inscription "cafe"
Dimensions (cm):
Height 2.9
KOD ZL210c
0,73 zł tax incl. 0,73 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Pamiątka Chrztu Świętego"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL211/5
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Wesołych Świąt"
Dimensions (cm):
L 10,7 Depth 3,8 Height 0,3 Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL216/1
2,84 zł tax incl. 2,84 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanym"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL214/1
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "sweet home"
Dimensions (cm):
L 23 Depth 7,2 Height 2
1,99 zł tax incl. 1,99 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Dziękuję"
Dimensions (cm):
L 10 Depth 3.8 W 0.3
KOD ZL210/1
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Pamiątka Pierwszej Komunii Świętej"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL211/9
0,73 zł tax incl. 0,73 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Love"
Dimensions (cm):
L 10.5 Depth 10.5 Height 2
2,52 zł tax incl. 2,52 zł tax excl.
Set of letters
Dimensions (cm):
L 9.8 Depth 27.3 W 0.3
9,34 zł tax incl. 9,34 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Dziekujemy"
Dimensions (cm):
L 14 Depth 3.6 Height 3
KOD ZL210d
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Wszystkiego Najlepszego"
Dimensions (cm):
L 10,5 Depth 2,8 Height 0,3
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Mąż"
Dimensions (cm):
L 6 Depth 3.5 W 0.3
KOD ZL211/4
0,73 zł tax incl. 0,73 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanej"
Dimensions (cm):
L 120 Depth 35 Height 0,3
KOD ZL214/3
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription - Have some fun
Dimensions (cm):
L 12 Depth 3.2 Height 0.3
KOD ZL215/2
1,46 zł tax incl. 1,46 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Dziadkom"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL214/7
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Album"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL210a
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Letter / digits & plywood
Dimensions (cm):
Height 2,9 W 0,3
KOD ZL240n
0,80 zł tax incl. 0,80 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Zawiadamiamy"
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Depth 3 W 0,3
KOD ZL212/5
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Najlepszy Świadek"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL211/2
1,46 zł tax incl. 1,46 zł tax excl.
Inscription - Enjoy moments
Dimensions (cm):
L 10.3 Depth 3 Height 0,3
KOD ZL215/1
1,46 zł tax incl. 1,46 zł tax excl.
Letter / digits & plywood
Dimensions (cm):
Height 9 W 0,3
KOD ZL240d
0,97 zł tax incl. 0,97 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Zamknięte"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8 Depth 4.5 Height 0,3
KOD ZL212/3
2,02 zł tax incl. 2,02 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Zapraszamy"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8 Depth 4.5 Height 0,3
KOD ZL212/1
2,02 zł tax incl. 2,02 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Otwarte"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL212/4
0,97 zł tax incl. 0,97 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Najlepsza Świadkowa"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL211/1
1,46 zł tax incl. 1,46 zł tax excl.
Inscription - Believe in your own magic
Dimensions (cm):
L 10.3 Depth 3 Height 0.3
KOD ZL215/4
1,46 zł tax incl. 1,46 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Wspaniałej Kobiecie"
Dimensions (cm):
L 13.8 Height 7
KOD ZL211/7
2,84 zł tax incl. 2,84 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "W dniu urodzin"
Dimensions (cm):
L 18 Depth 14,1 W 0.3
KOD ZD127/2
4,87 zł tax incl. 4,87 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanemu"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL214/5
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Herbata"
Dimensions (cm):
L 9.5 Depth 2.9 W 0.3
KOD ZL210/3
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription - Najpiękniejsze Chwile
Dimensions (cm):
L 10.5 Depth 4 Height 0.3
KOD ZL215/5
2,19 zł tax incl. 2,19 zł tax excl.
Inscription - Life is good
Dimensions (cm):
L 10 Depth 5 Height 0.3
KOD ZL215/3
1,46 zł tax incl. 1,46 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Dziekujemy"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 10 Height 3 W 0,3
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Dziadkowi"
Dimensions (cm):
L 13.5 Depth 2.5 Height 0.3
KOD ZL214/8
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "sweet" - big
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Depth 16 W 0.3
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kocham Cię"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL216/3
2,02 zł tax incl. 2,02 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Witajcie! Fajnie że jesteście!"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
20,72 zł tax incl. 20,72 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Moje Skarby"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL213ms
2,02 zł tax incl. 2,02 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - Sto lat
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Depth 6,8 W 0.3
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Mam już roczek"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 80 Height 180 W 0.3
6,09 zł tax incl. 6,09 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Mam już roczek"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 20 Height 35 W 0.3
6,90 zł tax incl. 6,90 zł tax excl.
Letter / digits & plywood
Dimensions (cm):
Height 4,5 W 0,3
KOD ZL240m
0,48 zł tax incl. 0,48 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kawa"
Dimensions (cm):
L 7.5 Depth 2.9 W 0.3
KOD ZL210/2
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "sto lat" - big
Dimensions (cm):
L 28,6 Depth 13 W 0.3
5,68 zł tax incl. 5,68 zł tax excl.
Wooden badge with the inscription "Najwspanialszej mamie na świecie"
Dimensions (cm):
⌀ 10 W 0,3
4,46 zł tax incl. 4,46 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanemu Tacie"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8 Depth 4.5 Height 0,3
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanym Rodzicom"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8 Depth 4.5 Height 0,3
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Koszyczek ratunkowy"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 25 Height 0,3 W 0,3
KOD ZL213kr
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Birthday mini topper - one year - set of 6
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD153/3
9,75 zł tax incl. 9,75 zł tax excl.
Inscription "W dniu urodzin"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8,6 Depth 3 Height 0,3
2,84 zł tax incl. 2,84 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Księga Gości"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL213kg
2,02 zł tax incl. 2,02 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Roczek"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 12.5 Height 29 W 0.3
KOD ZD122/3
5,68 zł tax incl. 5,68 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Super Babcia"
Dimensions (cm):
L 5.2 Depth 13.6 W 0.3
KOD ZL217/1
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Super Dziadek"
Dimensions (cm):
L 5.3 Depth 14 W 0.3
KOD ZL217/2
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Witamy"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8 Depth 4.5 Height 0,3
KOD ZL212/2
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Wszystkiego najlepszego"
Dimensions (cm):
L 18 Depth 17 W 0.3
KOD ZD127/1
6,09 zł tax incl. 6,09 zł tax excl.
Wooden Voucher
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 13 Height 10 W 0.3
10,56 zł tax incl. 10,56 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Żona"
Dimensions (cm):
L 6.9 Depth 2.8 W 0.3
KOD ZL211/3
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Merry Christmas"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL216/2
2,84 zł tax incl. 2,84 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Wesołych Świąt"
Dimensions (cm):
L 6 Depth 2,1 W 0.3
KOD ZL216/1m
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Plywood inscription Wszystkiego Najlepszego - garland
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/8
31,29 zł tax incl. 31,29 zł tax excl.
Baby Shower - wooden garland
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/2
17,47 zł tax incl. 17,47 zł tax excl.
Mam już Roczek - garland
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/5
16,66 zł tax incl. 16,66 zł tax excl.
Młoda Para - garland
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/6
15,03 zł tax incl. 15,03 zł tax excl.
Słodki Stół - wooden inscription
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/7
15,03 zł tax incl. 15,03 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Mamie"
Dimensions (cm):
L 6.8 Depth 2.5 Height 0.3
KOD ZL214/9
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanej Babci"
Dimensions (cm):
L 5.3 Depth 9.6 W 0.3
KOD ZL218/1
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "sweet"
Dimensions (cm):
L 9,8 Depth 5,7 W 0.3
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Garland - wooden stars
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/3
12,19 zł tax incl. 12,19 zł tax excl.
Inscription "W dniu Ślubu"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8 Depth 4.5 Height 0,3
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Letter 85x8mm - plywood
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 0.8 Height 8.5
3,03 zł tax incl. 3,03 zł tax excl.
Arabic digits set 1-12
Dimensions (cm):
L 1.3 Depth 0.3 Height 2.2
4,46 zł tax incl. 4,46 zł tax excl.
Arabic digits set 1-12
Dimensions (cm):
L 2 Depth 0.3 Height 2,1
4,06 zł tax incl. 4,06 zł tax excl.
Letter / digits 85x3mm - plywood
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 0.3 Height 8.5
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanej Mamie"
Dimensions (cm):
L 8 Depth 4.5 Height 0,3
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Letter / digits 50x3mm - plywood
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 0.3 Height 5
0,80 zł tax incl. 0,80 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Pamiątka Pierwszej Komunii Świętej"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZL211/6
4,87 zł tax incl. 4,87 zł tax excl.
Topper - "It's a Boy"
Dimensions (cm):
L 11 Height 22
KOD ZD136/1
7,31 zł tax incl. 7,31 zł tax excl.
Topper - "It's a Girl"
Dimensions (cm):
L 11 Height 22
KOD ZD136/2
8,12 zł tax incl. 8,12 zł tax excl.
Topper - "Rok"
Dimensions (cm):
L 20 Height 17 W 0.3
KOD ZD122/5
8,12 zł tax incl. 8,12 zł tax excl.
Wooden table numbers
Dimensions (cm):
L 10 Depth 5 Height 15
8,93 zł tax incl. 8,93 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Rodzicom"
Dimensions (cm):
L 120 Depth 35 Height 0,3
KOD ZL214/2
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Mamie"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL214/4
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription crown "Kochanej Mamie"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 8 Height 8.5 W 0.3
KOD ZL215/6
4,46 zł tax incl. 4,46 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Tacie"
Dimensions (cm):
L 105 Depth 25 Height 0,3
KOD ZL214/6
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Przybory"
Dimensions (cm):
L 11 Depth 3.5 W 0.3
KOD ZL210/4
1,62 zł tax incl. 1,62 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Happy Birthday"
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Depth 12 W 0,3
6,50 zł tax incl. 6,50 zł tax excl.
Inscription crown "Kochanemu Tacie"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 10 Height 10 W 0.3
KOD ZL215/6t
4,46 zł tax incl. 4,46 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "sweet" - big
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Depth 9,5 W 0.3
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Inscription crown "Love"
Dimensions (cm):
L 5.1 Depth 17.5 W 0.3
KOD ZL215/7
5,68 zł tax incl. 5,68 zł tax excl.
Garland "Merry Christmas"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/9
16,66 zł tax incl. 16,66 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "sweet"
Dimensions (cm):
L 10 Depth 9,5 W 0.3
2,43 zł tax incl. 2,43 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Roczek"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 11 Height 28 W 0.3
KOD ZD122/2
5,68 zł tax incl. 5,68 zł tax excl.
Home sweet home" inscription
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Depth 7,2 W 5
52,84 zł tax incl. 52,84 zł tax excl.
Wooden badge with the inscription "Dla taty"
Dimensions (cm):
Depth 10 Height 10 W 0,3
KOD ZP282t
6,50 zł tax incl. 6,50 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Happy Birthday" - big
Dimensions (cm):
L 25 Depth 18 W 3
9,75 zł tax incl. 9,75 zł tax excl.
Topper / piker - "Z okazji imienin"
Dimensions (cm):
L 18 Depth 14 W 0.3
KOD ZD127/3
4,87 zł tax incl. 4,87 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Super Dziadkowie"
Dimensions (cm):
L 5.2 Depth 17.4 W 0.3
KOD ZL217/3
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanemu Dziadkowi"
Dimensions (cm):
L 5.8 Depth 11.8 W 0.3
KOD ZL218/2
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Inscription "Kochanym Dziadkom"
Dimensions (cm):
L 5.8 Depth 11.8 W 0.3
KOD ZL218/3
3,65 zł tax incl. 3,65 zł tax excl.
Chrzest Święty - wooden garland
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/1
18,28 zł tax incl. 18,28 zł tax excl.
Pierwsza Komunia Święta inscription - garland
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD199/4
25,60 zł tax incl. 25,60 zł tax excl.
Topper "Baby Shower" - large
Dimensions (cm):
L 8.8 Height 21
KOD ZD127/4
6,50 zł tax incl. 6,50 zł tax excl.
Wooden cake topper - hexagon
Dimensions (cm):
L 13 Height 24
KOD ZD149/1
4,46 zł tax incl. 4,46 zł tax excl.
Wooden cake topper - circle
Dimensions (cm):
L 14 Height 24
KOD ZD149/2
4,87 zł tax incl. 4,87 zł tax excl.
Number topper - small
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD119m
1,21 zł tax incl. 1,21 zł tax excl.
Number topper - large
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
KOD ZD119d
2,84 zł tax incl. 2,84 zł tax excl.
Topper - "Wieczór Panieński"
Dimensions (cm):
L 12 Height 20
KOD ZD127/6
7,72 zł tax incl. 7,72 zł tax excl.
Topper "Baby Shower" - small
Dimensions (cm):
L 6,4 Height 15
KOD ZD127/4m
4,87 zł tax incl. 4,87 zł tax excl.
Topper "Mam już Roczek"
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Height 23 W 0.3
KOD ZD122/4
11,78 zł tax incl. 11,78 zł tax excl.
"Słodki stół" sign in decorative circle
Dimensions (cm):
L 26 Depth 4 Height 25
KOD ZD195/1
15,03 zł tax incl. 15,03 zł tax excl.
Topper "Mam Już Roczek"
Dimensions (cm):
L 15 Height 25 W 0.3
KOD ZD122/6
10,15 zł tax incl. 10,15 zł tax excl.
"Słodki Stół" sign in decorative circle - large
Dimensions (cm):
L 32 Depth 4 Height 30
KOD ZD195/1d
21,54 zł tax incl. 21,54 zł tax excl.
Inscription "What I love most about my home is who I share it with"
Dimensions (cm):
Set: Measurements in product description
60,97 zł tax incl. 60,97 zł tax excl.